Mark Baublit

President & CEO

Mark loves advocating for the construction industry and his community through various boards, associations, and volunteer work. When he's not working, he enjoys traveling with friends and ticking off bucket list items for new experiences. His favorite restaurant in San Antonio is El Mirasol, and if he could instantly master any skill, it would be brain surgery. Outside of construction, Mark is drawn to specialized medicine, and if he weren’t in construction, he would pursue a career as a surgeon or anesthesiologist.

As the President & CEO, Mark sets the overall strategic direction for the company while also helping clients realize the process of turning their vision into reality. His primary focus is to clarify complexities of construction. He strives to provide vision where there is volatility, understanding where there is uncertainty, and agility where there is ambiguity. Mark's goal on every project is to undo the heavy burdens laid upon our project teams so that they may do what they do best, build.

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